Coffee With Scott Adams
Politics • Writing • Culture
Open-minded people who like to learn about persuasion, politics, and the operating code for reality while having some laughs.
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Re student loan forgiveness, may I suggest that the University’s tax exempt status be eliminated or they are made to pay a fair share of taxes to their communities. Right now they have NO cost control..Dorms and food services are becoming vacation paradises and luxurious hotels. Plus faculty might teach one course while grad students are paid a pittance to teach. Of course this provides students with below par educations and the worth of their degree goes down. Finally there is an increasing distrust re whether graduates even have the skills to work in many companies.

Why should taxpayers have to pay for student loans under these conditions. In my opinion any college that has huge amounts of money stowed away needs to support student loans coming from them and they need to pay off any default loans, not us.

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Just the drums

Not quite there. This is the Man cave opening arrangement.

Micro Lesson -- Summoning The Executive


I teach you how to summon The Executive part of your mind.


Kindle and other ebook version: Available now

Amazon Kindle version:

Softcover: We hope it is approved any minute now.

Hardcover: In a few weeks. Don't wait for it unless you are a book collector. The softcover is better value.

Audiobook: Maybe 2 weeks. It has been recorded. There are more steps.


In case y’all are despairing over college students, give heed. I’m a professor at a small university in Laredo, TX. A few days ago I asked my class why I never see protests on our campus. I got the responses of “This is Laredo—no one cares what we think here” and “These protests are all phony” and “It’s all a performance.” There is hope, here on the border.

Dark City: the film that inspired The Matrix?

I used to think the U.S. was bad in many ways but way better than other major powers, politically, morally and ethically

Now I tend to think we are as bad or worse than the others but I still love America best because she’s my home and she has given me everything and continues to do so

My motives are completely selfish

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God's Debris (3 of 3)
A Thought Experiment
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God's Debris (2 of 3)
A Thought Experiment
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God's Debris (1 of 3)
A Thought Experiment
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