Coffee With Scott Adams
Politics • Writing • Culture
Open-minded people who like to learn about persuasion, politics, and the operating code for reality while having some laughs.
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In case y’all are despairing over college students, give heed. I’m a professor at a small university in Laredo, TX. A few days ago I asked my class why I never see protests on our campus. I got the responses of “This is Laredo—no one cares what we think here” and “These protests are all phony” and “It’s all a performance.” There is hope, here on the border.

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Micro Lesson on how to "Get Out!" of your head

Do you have recurring negative thoughts about the past or the future? This reframe teaches you how to quickly escape them.

Just the drums

Not quite there. This is the Man cave opening arrangement.

Micro Lesson -- Summoning The Executive


I teach you how to summon The Executive part of your mind.


Follow-up to recent SA comment about auto insurance.

SA was commenting on getting new car - EV/Tesla versus Ford Bronco - some were saying car insurance is a lot more for EV. I just checked with my agent (in Ohio) and he says they are currently about the same. But he also said he thinks it might go up a bit for EVs as time goes on - but no real data at present.

How much power do elected officials really have?

"What I found out when I got into No. 10 is, I thought that if I got to the top of the tree, I would be able to implement those conservative policies... And what I discovered was that I was not holding the levers. The levers were held by the Bank of England, by the Office of Budget Responsibility, they weren't held by the Prime Minister or the Chancellor..."
--Liz Truss, former UK prime minister

"I thought of something George Bush told me in the Oval Office. I was asking about the policies and how they were going to change, and he said, “Glenn, don’t worry, whoever sits behind this desk, in that chair, is going to have the same advice given by the same advisors and they’ll realize, the President’s hands are tied.” I walked out of that room horrified… Why do we even have elections?"
--Glenn Beck in interview with Tucker Carlson


14 hours ago

I was reading an account in the local paper today about a student who was expelled from a local university because another student said he touched her without her consent. They had both been drinking so she claimed to be incapable of consent. Think about what that means. How in the world does the guy prove whether or not he had consent. There were no other witnesses. They didn’t have a written agreement. If he just kept asking until she gave in, is that unwanted touching. How in the world do young people negotiate sex these days. What happened to seduction and passion. I think these kids have lost a lot more than they gained with the new rules. If you’re 20, it’s probably best to stay celibate

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God's Debris (3 of 3)
A Thought Experiment
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God's Debris (2 of 3)
A Thought Experiment
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God's Debris (1 of 3)
A Thought Experiment
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